How are you using green energy in your life right now? If you can't answer that question, you have to read this article. Green energy is clean, safe and cheap, so it is smart to make the most of it. Read these tips to find some smart ways to put green energy to use in your life.
You can reduce your energy usage by just reducing your electricity usage. Unplug alliances when they are not being used. When you are no longer using them, turn off lights and the television. This can save you money and it's simple.
Take the time to dry your clothes naturally. The dryer in your home takes up a lot of energy and it is quite simple to just hang your clothes and allow them to air dry. If you do need to use the dryer, then be sure to clean out the lint to help it work more efficiently.
Remember that solar panels, whether you install them on your roof or anywhere else on your property, must be angled toward the sun to receive maximum exposure. In the Northern Hemisphere, this means facing them south with an angle of latitude plus fifteen degrees. Otherwise, your investment will not return as much energy as you hope.
It is easy to live green,and still enjoy technology just by making small changes. Make your laptop more energy efficient simply by changing your wall paper. Using a dark or black wall paper, and screen saver uses less energy. This small amount of energy saved will add up over time, especially if you have more than one computer in the home.
When you are not using your appliances, you should make sure they are turned off. If you are in a room, make sure that the light is turned off when you exit. If you leave your home, ensure the TV is turned off. These little things can greatly decrease the amount of energy you use in your home, which will leave you with some extra cash in your pocket at the end of the month.
If you are attempting to save more money on your utility bills, try selecting a utility company whose focus is on renewable energy. Renewable energy, such as wind power, can help drastically decrease the amount of energy that is used in the home. As a result, you can experience increased savings.
A high-efficiency furnace becomes far less efficient with a clogged, dirty filter, so change your furnace filters often. This is especially important if you use tightly-woven pleated filters, because the HVAC system must work much harder to draw in air through its tiny openings. Most filters need to be changed or cleaned at least once every 3 months.
For green energy consumption, you might want to consider an alternative source for your power needs like solar power. If you live in an area with high sunlight year round, you can install these solar panels on your roof and supply parts of your home with this free and clean energy from the sun.
Install a toilet that uses less water. Estimates show that 50% of water used in a home is to flush the toilet. Older toilets use around five gallons of water for every flush. This is about 3 times the amount of a green toilet.
If you can afford it, invest in a laptop rather than using a desktop as they tend to use more energy. This can cut up to 75% of your electrical use, especially if you are frequently on the Internet or using word processing software. The other benefit to using laptop over a desktop is that it is portable, so it can be taken anywhere!
Natural sources of energy can be unpredictable, which is why you should always have a back-up plan. Find out more about net-metering plans: in most towns, you will be allows to hook your system to the main power grid and use it when there is not enough sun or wind for your green energy solution to function properly.
A simple way to locate appliances and products that are energy efficient is to see if they have an Energy Star logo. Appliances that designate themselves as being ENERGY STAR industrial led overhead lighting compliant are those that have met guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Energy as well as the EPA. These appliances are usually the only ones that can be used for tax rebates.
People looking to go green would be wise to use oil lanterns to light up their homes. Oil lanterns don't use any electricity at all, and there are even some lanterns out there that will run on used vegetable oil that you can easily get from restaurants or your own kitchen.
If you have a stream or creek on your property, you may want to look into using a micro hydro-power system as an energy alternative. The flow of water through a turbine will produce energy. Many times the amount of energy is not enough to fully power a home, but will offset the cost of your electric bill each month.
Using green energies should be linked to recycling and reducing pollution. You can recycle cans, glass, paper and electronics. Avoid using products containing chemicals and do not buy a product from a brand that is obviously wasting resources in the packaging process. If all customers adopt this attitude, large firms will eventually change their habits.
Insulate and seal your house to keep heat and cool air from escaping! There are few things that waste energy as easily as cracks and holes in a home. Spend the time and money needed to fill those holes and insulate the home in general, and you will see your energy costs dwindle as you'll be using much less energy!
A great tip to help save energy is to utilize daylight in your house. Rather than turning on your lights during the day, open up your shades, and let the sun naturally light up your home. You may even want to consider installing a skylight to really help illuminate your home.
Some forms of insulation do not require professional services but rather can simply be pushed into an open area. These types of insulation are an ideal way to improve the energy efficiency of everything from your attic to your crawl spaces to your basement and the spaces between floors. This type of insulation can also be inserted whenever you repair drywall.
Being "green" can make the difference in your life because, ultimately, you end up saving money. But using green energy can make a great difference to the world around us, as well. The more people who use green energy, the more we conserve our resources and keep the world looking beautiful.